La Habana, Cuba
Tel Aviv, Israel
David was the son of Turkish immigrants to Cuba. He grew up and studied in Havana. At a young age, he joined the Maccabi movement, and excelled as an athlete. He was an athletics teacher in an elementary school in his city. Upon learning of the UN decision on the creation of Israel, David contacted the Etzel and joined the Maccabi group, and trained as a military man in preparation for emigrating to Israel. Together with his comrades, he was sent to France and met with fellow compatibilists from different countries. He was part of the group that boarded the Altalena ship that sailed to Israel to join the fighters and transport weapons. He died as a result of the attack on the ship off the coast of Tel Aviv. He was buried in the Nahalat Yitzhak military cemetery.
Remember our fallen heroes
Yom Hazikaron
Yom Hazikaron is the national remembrance day for all military personnel who lost their lives in the fighting that led to the establishment of the State of Israel, for those who have subsequently died while on active duty in the Israeli Defence Forces and for those who have perished in terrorist attacks.
Over the years, the day of commemoration of those who fell fighting for Israel began to encompass those who have lost their lives since the beginning of the Zionist movement - those who perished in the underground fighting and the victims of terrorist actions. Today, "Yom Hazikaron - Day of Remembrance" commemorates all those who have fallen fighting for Israel and the victims of terrorist actions."